Chemotherapy kills cancer cells, but it comes with some pretty unpleasant side effects. Nausea is one of the most common side effects of this treatment. After you get finished with a chemotherapy session, you may feel the urge to vomit and be extra sensitive to certain smells. However, if you make some changes to your lifestyle, you can reduce nausea. Here are five helpful tips for coping with nausea during chemotherapy:

Eat Smaller Meals

When you are going through chemotherapy treatments, your stomach might not be able to handle very large meals. It is better to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. Your body will have an easier time digesting the food, which will reduce nausea symptoms.

Avoid Fatty and Greasy Foods

Hamburgers and pizza might be tasty, but they are not the types of foods you should be eating while going through chemotherapy. Greasy and fatty foods can easily upset your stomach and make you feel nauseous. Stick to lighter foods, such as crackers and broth.

Let Your Food Cool Down Before Eating It

Eating your food while it is still hot does not seem like a big deal, but it can actually make your nausea worse. Hot food tends to have a stronger smell, which can make you feel nauseated. Wait until your food is room temperature before you eat it.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated can also ease your nausea symptoms. Drink at least eight cups of water every day to keep your stomach happy. Try to avoid drinking carbonated beverages, like soda, as they can irritate your stomach and make you feel more nauseous.

Give Acupuncture a Chance

If you are having a difficult time controlling your nausea, consider acupuncture. During this natural treatment, a trained acupuncturist will insert thin needles into your skin. When these needles hit certain nerves in your body, they send signals to your brain to reduce nausea symptoms. If you have never had an acupuncture treatment, the idea of needles inserted in your skin might be intimidating. However, if you work with a skilled acupuncturist, you will feel minimal discomfort.

You do not have to deal with nausea throughout all your chemotherapy sessions. If you follow these helpful tips, you can relieve your nausea and feel a lot better. However, if you still feel nausea all the time, you should talk to your oncologist about prescribing anti-nausea medication.
