Ear infections are most common in children, but they can also affect adults. The inflammation inside the ear causes pressure to build up, resulting in pain that can radiate through the entire head. While this uncomfortable pressure from inflammation is the most common sign, ear infections may show other surprising symptoms. If you are experiencing one or more of the following signs, you may have an ear infection that requires treatment.

Jaw Swelling

Inflammation from the infection will cause the inner and outer ear tissue to swell. This is painful, but the swelling can spread quickly, causing discomfort in the jaw and head. This swelling causes jaw pain and headaches, but it can also decrease your ability to chew.

Chewing certain foods will be difficult, painful, or even impossible. The jaw swelling may be so severe, you may hear actual popping when opening and closing your mouth. Many people with ear infections will also lose their appetites due to the uncomfortable swelling in the jaw.


The inflammation of the infection will cause the tissue and underlying nerves to swell. This swelling is painful, but it also prevents the brain's ability to transmit sensory information, resulting in vertigo.

Vertigo gives you the feeling of uneasiness, resulting in dizziness, nausea, and blurred vision. Many patients with vertigo are unable to complete simple activities without vomiting or falling. If you are experiencing the signs of vertigo, consult your doctor immediately.


If an ear infection is left untreated for a period of time, you may develop a fever. Fevers may develop from a variety of illnesses, but high fevers are most always due to your body's attempt at fighting off an infection. A high fever should always be taken seriously and addressed by a doctor.


If you have recently started snoring while asleep, you may have developed an ear infection due to swollen adenoids. Adenoids are tissues located in the back of your nose. They have one job and that is to help fight off infections. If your ears are infected, the inflammation will spread onto the adenoids, affecting your breathing while asleep.

Of course, snoring may also be a sign of sleep apnea or another respiratory disorder, so contact your doctor for further testing.

Ear infections are easy to treat, but you must visit your doctor as soon as you notice signs. With this guide, you will understand some of the not-so-common signs of this very common infection. 

For more information concerning health services in case of more serious conditions, contact businesses such as Hampstead Medical Center PC.
