When you're experiencing pain, it's a good idea to get professional help. You could start by visiting your family practitioner or, if you're clear about the pain that you're suffering from, you may wish to consult an expert in the appropriate field right away. In the days leading up to your appointment, you should try to be cognizant of your pain, and then note your findings in a journal. The more information you can give your health practitioner, the more help he or she will have in diagnosing you and getting you relief quickly. Here are some things to note in your pain journal:
When The Pain Is Worst
It's effective to assess when your pain symptoms bother you the most, and then note this information in your pain journal. Depending on the nature of the pain and the reason for it, pain can range from a dull ache at certain times throughout the day to something that is steady and never goes away. For example, some people experience acute pain early in the morning but the pain dissipates in the hours ahead; for others, pain can get worse throughout the day. This information can be valuable to your health practitioner. If you have morning pain, for example, the manner in which you sleep may be contributing.
What You Do Before The Pain
Sometimes, pain can arise with little warning and no apparent cause. In other cases, the reason for your discomfort will be obvious to you. This is also an important topic to chronicle in your pain journal. Throughout the day, you should constantly be assessing how you feel. This way, when the pain comes on, you can note what you were doing immediately before it. For example, if you suffer from knee pain, you may be able to notice that the pain is worst after you've been standing for a long time.
What Provides You With Relief
Although your health practitioner will offer a long-term solution for the pain that you've been experiencing, you may have had some degree of success with treating the pain yourself. Make sure that you log these details so that you can share them. For example, perhaps you use ice on a sore neck to relieve some of the sharpness of the pain, or maybe you've had some success getting massage treatments for your migraines. Armed with these details, your health practitioner will work to manage and eliminate your pain.
Contact a medical office like Regional Pain Care for more information and assistance.