Families in every community rely on quality child care centers to keep their children safe while they are at work or handling other duties. While there is no denying the many rewards of working with children, there also comes tremendous responsibility for protecting children from injuries and illnesses while stimulating their development. As you prepare your business plan, keep these tips in mind for ensuring that every child in your facility's care stays safe while they are away from home.

Choose Age-Appropriate Toys and Equipment

Children need stimulation beginning in infancy that helps them learn. However, many toys and types of equipment are not considered safe for young children. For example, toys with small, removable pieces pose a choking hazard for toddlers. Make sure to follow the recommended age guidelines for purchasing toys, and establish a system for your staff to follow before bringing items into the classroom. If you have multiple ages in your child care center, take care that toys meant for older children do not find their way into the infant and toddler rooms.

Arrange First Aid Training for All Staff

Even with the best of care, accidents can still sometimes happen. Check the guidelines that are in place in your community regarding teacher and director CPR and first aid training to make sure that your child care center is in compliance, but it is generally recommended that at least one person in each classroom knows how to immediately respond to an emergency such as choking. First aid safety instructors are adept at teaching techniques that are specifically designed to help young children in common emergency situations.

Guard Against Triggering Allergies

Many young children have allergies that can turn life-threatening in an instant, and your staff should be aware that these may not always be diagnosed. Plan a menu that avoids the use of common childhood allergens such as peanuts and shellfish. Then, remind staff members not to feed children snacks that are not on the approved menu. If a child has an allergy, make a note of it in their file, and be sure that any staff members that are responsible for the child are aware of what not to give the child.

There is a tremendous responsibility to uphold the trust of parents who bring their child to your daycare center, and establishing safety guidelines before the doors first open is the ideal way to keep each child safe. Make sure that every decision made as you plan your business has safety in mind, and remember to review the safety practices regularly so that you can keep staff members up-to-date on the latest best practices for first aid and safety.
